Story of Positano: When life gives you lemons...make Limoncello!

And the Amalfi Coast just did it. And not only that she made limoncello from huge lemons that God gave them, but they also made a real little gem of Italy from their colorful houses located in the hill, which attracts tourists from all over the world. With its Strada Statale 163, 40 km along the Tyrrhenian Sea, it connects the most beautiful villages with breathtaking views. And one of them is definitely ...

Positano - a small fishing village in the hills, sloping towards the coast, with an area of ​​only 8 km2, has only about 4,000 inhabitants. I can only say one thing: God take me there! As I said, small colorful houses, dotted on the hill, are the main feature of Positano. And limoncello, of course. And what gives the true Italian spirit to this village, is the church of Santa Maria Assunta in the center, whose bells wake up the locals and really give a special charm. The church itself is made of majolica tiles, just like the icon of the Black Madonna is. According to the legend, the icon was stolen from Byzantium and pirates transported it along the Mediterranean. A terrible storm frightened the sailors who heard a voice on the ship "Posa! Posa" which means Lower! Put it down! They unloaded the icon, took it to the fishing village and the storm then subsided.

If the road ever takes you to this small fishing village, here's what you can expect: countless stairs along the hill, which connect all those little colorful houses, so if you decide to visit it, cardio workouts are highly recommended. But all those stairs are immediately ignored, because they are exactly the spot, which provide you the spectacular sunset in the hills of Positano. Friendly locals, good food and lemons, create that wonderful feeling in the chest and everything breathes with love, joy and peace.
Villa Treville, Da Vincenzo, Casa e Bottega and Da Adolfo (accessible by boat) are places that provide good food and great views.

To some new story from the Amalfi Coast, this one ends with Steinbeck's words

A obala Amalfi je upravo to i učinila. I ne samo da je napravila limoncello od ogromnih limuna koje im je Bog dao, nego su i od svojih šarenih kućica smeštenih u brdo, napravili pravi mali dragulj Italije koji mami turiste širom sveta. Svojom Stradom Statale 163, dugom 40 km, duž Tireanskog mora, spaja najlepša sela od čijih pogleda zastaje dah. A jedno od njih je svakako i...

Positano - malo ribarsko selo u brdima nagnutno prema obali, površine svega 8 km2, broji samo oko 4.000 stanovnika. Mogu samo jedno reći: Bože baci me tamo, evo kriva sam! Kao što rekoh, male šarene kućice, načičkane po brdu, glavno su obeležje Positana. I limoncello, naravno. A ono što daje pravi italijanski duh ovome selu, jeste crkva Santa Maria Assunta u samom centru, čija zvona bude uspavane meštane i zaista daju posebnu draž. Sama crkva je napravljena od majolika pločica, kao i ikona Black Madonna. Prema legendi, ikona je ukradena iz Vizantije i pirati su je prevozili duž Mediterana. Strašna oluja zaplašila je mornare kojima se javio glas na brodu "Posa! Posa" što u prevodu znači Spusti! Spusti! Ikonu su iskrcali, odneli u ribarsko selo i oluja se tada stišala.

Ako vas ikada put odvede u ovo malo ribarsko selo, evo šta možete da očekujete: bezbroj stepenica prošaranih duž brda, koje spajaju sve te male šarene kućice, pa ako se odlučite da ga posetite, kardio treninzi toplo se preporučuju. Ali sve te stepenice odmah se zanemare, jer upravo sa njih možete posmatrati spektakularan zalazak Sunca u brdima Positana. Ljubazni meštani, dobra hrana i limuni na sve strane, stvaraju onaj divan osećaj u grudima i sve odiše na ljubav, radost i mir. 
Villa Treville, Da Vincenzo, Casa e Bottega i Da Adolfo (do kojeg se stiže čamcem), jesu mesta koja pružaju dobru hranu i odlične poglede.

Do nekog novog sela obale Amalfi, ovaj završavamo sa rečima Steinbecka
"It is a dream place that isn't quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone." 


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